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martes, 15 de diciembre de 2009

On line Games

I'm going to speak about the on-line.

I'm going to show you the possitive aspects and the negative aspects of the on-line games.

Negative points: these games create adiction, you need to play one day because you don't notice, that games only play normally people that haven't get a good life: people without friends or deprived people, damage the brain...

Positive points: you go to ``other world´´ of fantasy and this makes you to feel good.

In these games you can make friends but virtual friend, you can do things that you never do in your life.

In coclusion, on-line games have more disadvantages than advantages but it's a succes of your life you can do something that you want; kill, get married, make a shop, met people, make friends...

you can do a lot of thinks but it's bad for your eyes and brain.

sábado, 12 de septiembre de 2009


That film it's about of a matrimony that death drowned at the riber, and they were stay in they's house for scare at the new tenants.

And they transform in ghosts.

But the new tenants don't be scared with anything and they decide to phone Beetlejuice although a guide of the new death say that don't phone him never, because he makes terribols thinks.

Beetlejuice before works with the guides for help people to sack his tenants, but him makes his office and makes terribles thinks.

The Deetzs makes a business whit the ghosts, and they tired decide to phone beetlejuice but he start to destroy the house and scary the tenants and beetlejuice lucks of control.

At the end all exit good and the daughter of the Deetz stay to live with the ghost.

martes, 25 de agosto de 2009


The6 th of august I went to the pyrenees, near a village call "San Juan de Plan". In a meadow that rent the C.E.V "Centro Excursionista de Valencia" we arrive at eleven o'clock and at twelve o'clock we went to sleep, because at the morning we get up at five o'clock for went to the Bachimalas mountain that measur three thousands one hundred seventy-seven meters, at six o'clock we are walking and we touch the top of the "Bachimala" at half past eleven the seven of august of the twenty cero nine, and start to go down. We arrive to the car at half past two.

At the next day ge went to the "Culfreda" that measur three thousands thirty-four meters, and the sundey we came to house.

miércoles, 19 de agosto de 2009


The wednesday 12 of august I went to Ireland, we take a car in AVIS and we went to Galway the third city most important of Ireland. We sleep in a B & B that means bed and breakfast you only go to sleep and take your breakfast, all Galway its full of B&B. For breakfust we ate the irish breakfast that it's made with bacon, saussagges, egg, toasteds and tomatoes.

The typical drinks is the Guinness, the black beer, that invents because the cereal burn.

We saw the sun only two times in all the week.

One day we went to the Knowth. Brú na Bóinne. That's a tomb with a lot of years old.

In Ireland all the cementery's are full of celtic crosses and we saw the biggest cross and the oldest cross of Ireland.

all the old churchs are with out roof because when the vikings burn all when they arrive.

At the eight o'clock all the pubs have a vigilant because the people drink a lot and can do crazy thinks.

martes, 4 de agosto de 2009


The fridey 31 th of july I went to Montanejos, the village that go my uncle in the summer.

Montanejos is famous because has a thermal spring at 25º. In summer all the people of the village has in the river because you cool down and you relax.

Is a turistic village and has a lot of hotels and a lot of thinks.

Makes a lot of time Montan was the importan village but with the time and the years Montanejos is making famous.

miércoles, 15 de julio de 2009


The saturday four of July I take an aeroplain with my brother to go to Mallorca airport there are wainting my uncle and my aunt, they went to live to Mallorca because the tv of Balears give to my uncle a good work of producer, like he works seven days and brake other seven we went when he doesn't work and we saw all the beachs of Mallorca, they have a lot of typicals foods: "ensaimadas, coca de patata, sobrasada, orchata de almendra..." evry thinks it's delicious and you can cover all the island with car in half an hour.

In August or July It's nearly impossible don't see people in the beach, but when you see the water, it's not blue, it's transparent it's the best water colour that I saw in all my life, I recomend to the people that go to Mallorca because it's brillant.

And the fridey ten of July we came to Valencia.

lunes, 8 de junio de 2009

The book that I am reading

I'm reading a valencians book it's name is "INVASIÓ" the book it's about of one boy that think that evry body were an aliens less him (Alex) and he reveals mystaques and he presents his parents: pep and maria, he presents his best friends: Anna, pau, Beatriu, Carme...

the writer name is Josep Gregori.

M'estic llegint un llibre en valencià, es crida INVASIÓ el llibre va sobre un chiquet que es crida Alex pensa que tot el mon son aliens meins ell, i revela misteris i presenta als seus pares: pep, Maria, i també als seus millors amics: Anna, Pau, Beatriu, Carme...

el nom del escritos es Josep Gregori.

martes, 19 de mayo de 2009


The europe comittee it's an organitation of a lot of schools from europe that go evry schools to one country (evry year changes the country) and the parents of the boys and girls that be in there school take one to theys houses and the childs can play whits the guys that be in the houses that they stay and they're with his class in a certain moment.

The school it's very very good because it's big and the disco we pas fantastic is the best think of evry travel. At the school we did a little work, you have to do or dance, percussion, cook... and a lot of thinks more and the third day we have someting similar that an olimpics games.

We did a lot of friends from germany, suice, doitchland and spain they're very nice people.
A lot of people didn't like his familis but i like m y famili a lot, and evry familis has or dogs or cats or fishes or horses or goats.
Dollar College is very wel and the atlantis instalations be very good.

jueves, 23 de abril de 2009


This holidays I didn't went to a travel but I went to the biopark and I saw old the animals less the tortoises.

I went to Paterna to train with my football team and we play two football match.

and evry holidays I was at my house playing computer or doinghommeworks.

martes, 17 de febrero de 2009

Past Simple VS Past Continious

Past simple: we use the Past Continuous to indicate that a longer action in the past was interrupted. The interruption is usually a shorter action in the Simple Past. Remember this can be a real interruption or just an interruption in time.
examples: I was watching TV when she called.
When the phone rang, she was writing a letter.
While we were having the picnic, it started to rain.
What were you doing when the earthquake started?

Past continuousd: we use the Simple Past to express the idea that an action started and finished at a specific time in the past. Sometimes, the speaker may not actually mention the specific time, but they do have one specific time in mind.

jueves, 12 de febrero de 2009

Present Perfect

The Present Perfect is a verbal tense if you use the auxiliar verb Have/Has (to have),
We CAN use the Present Perfect with unspecific expressions such as: ever, never, once, many times, several times, before, so far, already, yet, etc.

Positive: You have already watch the tv.

Negative: He hasn't watch the tv yet.

Interrogative: have they watch the tv yet?


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My info

Hello I´m Joan, I have twelve years old, my favourite singer is Melendi because his songs make happines