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[ - *Glitter Words*]


martes, 19 de mayo de 2009


The europe comittee it's an organitation of a lot of schools from europe that go evry schools to one country (evry year changes the country) and the parents of the boys and girls that be in there school take one to theys houses and the childs can play whits the guys that be in the houses that they stay and they're with his class in a certain moment.

The school it's very very good because it's big and the disco we pas fantastic is the best think of evry travel. At the school we did a little work, you have to do or dance, percussion, cook... and a lot of thinks more and the third day we have someting similar that an olimpics games.

We did a lot of friends from germany, suice, doitchland and spain they're very nice people.
A lot of people didn't like his familis but i like m y famili a lot, and evry familis has or dogs or cats or fishes or horses or goats.
Dollar College is very wel and the atlantis instalations be very good.

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Hello I´m Joan, I have twelve years old, my favourite singer is Melendi because his songs make happines