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martes, 8 de abril de 2008

Political Situation In Spain

This it´s a photo of Zapatero

Now in sapin gobern the socialist party the PSOE ``Partido Socialista Obrero Español´´ And the president are Jose Luis Rodriguez Zapatero. the spanish people ve he two times chosed president of spain.
Spain have two favourites electoral party the PSOE ``the winer´´ and the PP ``the loser´´.
But Mariano Rajoi the president of the PP say always that Zapatero is bad and a lot of jokes because he don´t aceptate his defeat of the past elections and I´m of the PSOE!!!

martes, 1 de abril de 2008

Simple Past

It is used the simple past when we want to say one think in past.

In the simple past have Regular verbs: are the verbs that finish in ed ex: play played Verb + ed

And the Iregular verbs: are the verbs that finish in one think or are the same for ex: begin = began or cost = cost.

The simple past have three forms: Afirmative, Interrogative and Negative.


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Hello I´m Joan, I have twelve years old, my favourite singer is Melendi because his songs make happines